
Emergency Care is a Legal Mandate

When it comes to workplace safety, it's essential to have measures in place to respond quickly and effectively in the event of an emergency. The Nigerian Convention 032 (Protection against Accidents (Dockers), 1932 recognizes this need and calls for the provision of...

The Importance of CPR and AED Training in Promoting Occupational Safety and Health

Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) is an essential aspect of a safe and productive work environment. It is a well-known fact that a safe work environment can have a significant impact on the well-being of employees, but it may not be as widely recognized that OSH...
Emergency Care is a Legal Mandate

Emergency Care is a Legal Mandate

When it comes to workplace safety, it's essential to have measures in place to respond quickly and effectively in the event of an emergency. The Nigerian Convention 032 (Protection against Accidents (Dockers), 1932 recognizes this need and calls for the provision of...

office hours

Mon-Fri: 9:00am - 5:00pm


Ireland Address

Unit 14, MGB Building
Base Enterprise Centre,
Ladyswell Road, Mulhuddart,
Dublin 15

Nigeria Address

11 Toyin Street,
Ikeja, Lagos